The Biggest Percieved Challenge Of Sales Training

It is no surprise that the biggest challenge justifying sales training for company leaders is how to justify the expense? This is the finding of a survey conducted by Mckinsey & Company in their survey of over 1400 sales managers. The specific problem is the lack of metrics. Sales trainers have been operating in theory.. read more →

20 Apr 2015
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Questions That Do More Than Make The Sale

If you have been in sales for any amount of time you know that you must use open ended questions to get your prospect to talk and tell you how you should sell to him. Not all questions are the same, qualifying questions help you uncover whether there is a need for what you sell… read more →

08 Apr 2015
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Not So Smart Goals

Everyone knows that we should set goals, many go as far as writing them down and making them SMART Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant and Time Bound. All of these techniques are proven to help you get moving on reaching your goals and dreams. However, there still lies a problem ,a large number of people still.. read more →

15 Mar 2015
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